fredag 19 juni 2009

Please pass me another sandwich...

Man (eller rättare sagt jag) är ju tyvärr ganska flack ibland, och civilkuraget är inte alltid vad det borde vara. Jag kan bara säga att i texten nedan är igenkännings-faktorn plågsamt hög...

"Domenica remembered how, some years previously, she had been invited for a picnic by some people who had quite casually mentioned that the rug upon which they were sitting had been lifted from an airline. It had astonished her to think that these people imagined that she would not be shocked, or at least disapproving. She had wanted to say: "But that's theft!" but had lacked the courage to that, and had simply said: "Please pass me another sandwich."
Ur The world according to Bertie av Alexander McCall Smith

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